Entrepreneur. Consultant. Micro-Investor.

Who Is Steven A. Fox? About Me.

Take a look at my personality, my priorities, and gain greater insight into my experience as an entrepreneur.


It was Christmas morning, a warm, shorts and flip-flops kind of day here on the east coast of Florida. I was moments away from opening one of the best presents I had received up to that point. I ripped off the bow and tore back the paper to reveal a dark brown, leather bound book. It smelled like a new car. Without opening it, I could sense the fun and wacky information I would discover inside. It was a limited edition of National Geographic's "How Things Work, Everyday Technology Explained". I popped the covers apart and landed on "How an Internal Combustion Engine Works". My eyes scanned the page as I had mile-wide smile across my face. To me, this book was epic. For a couple months, it would satisfy my craving curiosity to know how things work in our world. I sat back on the sofa and began reading while my siblings opened the rest of their presents. I was a happy 9-year-old.

My name's Steven Fox, and I'm a curious, compassionate, and optimistic geek that feels equally comfortable leading a product design meeting as I do jumping out of an airplane or talking about Right Bank Bordeaux wine. My unquenchable thirst to understand how things work has led to many things: at 12 I was asking my parents "how does the stock market work?"; at 22 I graduated at the top of my class for mechanical engineering; and now, I'm someone who is genuinely excited about startups and the world of business.



In the middle of my bachelor's degree at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, one of my good friends was reminiscing about his tandem skydiving experience in Illinois. "That sounds like so much fun, man! Maybe I'll give it a try one day." Later that afternoon, he walked into the CNC machine shop where I was teaching an engineering lab and declared, "You're signed up for Level 1 AFF this weekend!" I was scared sh*tless (I'm afraid of heights), but successfully completed my first skydive 4 days after his tandem story. I followed up with 200 skydives in 2 years. I don't jump much anymore, but I'll always cherish those years of freefalling.




Enjoys serving others, ripping 150mph down the back straight, clicking the shutter on cameras, and learning about anything.

  • I value people, my family, and the general goodness in the world.
  • My brain is constantly in a state of trying to optimize outcomes.
  • My greatest sense of success comes from others succeeding in their own goals.
  • I strive to create value so that I can give it to others who deserve it.
  • I believe in servitude leadership that develops and empowers people to achieve more than they ever imagined possible for themselves.
  • I believe in data and rational decision making with a sprinkle of gut instinct.
  • I have ambitious goals for my life that most would consider entirely far-fetched or ridiculous.
  • I believe in short term loss for long term gain.
  • I'm crazy curious about everything
  • I'd prefer to have 5 incredible things over 50 mediocre ones.
  • I enjoy cooking and want to open a specialty restaurant one day.
  • My favorite beers are German Hefeweizens.
  • I'm introverted but my wife helps me break out of my shell.
  • I'm scared of the unknown but have jumped out of an airplane 200 times.
  • I want to see the wonders of our world.
  • I want to earn a spot on the Forbes 30 under 30 list.

Most importantly, I hope to be a good husband & father who leaves a lasting legacy that makes this world a better place after I'm gone.





  • I joined the founder in 2012 to work on product engineering.
  • By 2014, my responsibilities expanded beyond design and engineering to encompass everything required to go from the initial idea of a new product to launching it in the market.
  • From 2015 through 2018, my weekly routine morphed from product development to running the business. We kept a loose corporate structure at TST Industries, but I essentially filled the role of our CEO/COO. For a team of our size, that means I was personally responsible for our strategies in marketing (branding, customer acquisition and experience, SEO, AdWords, email, social, etc), website development, internal software tool development, operations (purchasing, receiving, QC/QA, assembly, warehousing, fulfillment, logistics), and high level finances/budgeting. Furthermore, I worked heavily on our team culture through communication, weekly huddles, and developing our team members to become incredible assets for the company.
  • During my 6 years with the bootstrapped startup:
  • We did an awesome job to go from a hobby biz to a small but serious ecommerce business.
  • We expanded our online catalog 10 fold and by 2017, we were shipping over 30,000lbs worth of orders to customers in a year.
  • We created warehouse operational systems and proprietary software that improved assembly/fulfillment efficiency by 300%.
  • We organically grew key marketing platforms, especially YouTube, into valuable awareness tools for the business. The TST YouTube channel now has 65,000 subscribers and ~18,000,000 total video views, both numbers continuing to grow rapidly every day.
  • I led each member on the team with a compassionate, optimistic, employee-empowering, and "leadership multiplier" strategy (it was humbling when my team members were genuinely sad on the day I told them I would be stepping away from my daily duties at the company)


consulting & personal businesses


Founder and CEO of Husky Hideout

My wife and I own 2 huskies that we rescued as fosters. They're an incredibly interesting breed of pup, with a dangerous curiosity, a vocal personality, and their "hairy Houdini" abilities. We've decided to launch an ecommerce store and social platform where husky owners can shop a curated catalog for their 4-legged family members, and discuss various topics together through a forum. Each quarter, Husky Hideout will donate a portion of its proceeds to an audience-selected shelter or foster organization for pets.


Business consulting for The Weekend Fox

The Weekend Fox is a lifestyle and travel blog created by my sister Katherine. Together, we are:

  • Creating a new product & service revenue strategy.
  • Optimizing her site & content for SEO to boost page views.
  • Creating Media Kits and other marketing assets for B2B contracts.